Max Novoselskii

Available for full-time work

by day &
by night

My name is Max.

I am a web developer.

Ready to cooperate.



The process

Developing from scratch or enchancing? Here is the process in four steps.

  1. Requirements gathering & analysis (01)
    The process starts with a thorough understanding of your business needs and user expectations. We discuss various options, weigh the pros and cons, and define the requirements for the project's completeness.
  2. Choosing technology & architecture (02)
    I offer Vue and React-based stacks, including both Nuxt.js and Next.js. By aligning technologies with the project's goals, I design the architecture, whether it's for a single feature or a whole website.
  3. Developing & testing (03)
    At the coding stage, I leverage modern techniques and experience gained from projects across various industries to deliver a quality product or feature of your needs.
  4. Revision & optimization (04)
    After developing a functional product, it's refined and optimized for performance and reliability. That includes enhancing loading speeds and accessibility, for better user experience and SEO.

The tech.

Always striving to learning new technologies and here is the list of what I am currently working with.

  • UI
    • Vue.js • 2 - 3
    • Nuxt.js • 3
    • React • 18
    • Next.js • 14
  • State management
    • Pinia
    • Vuex
    • Redux/toolkit
    • Redux + Thunk
  • Languages
    • TypeScript • 5
    • JavaScript • ES2022
    • HTML • 5
    • CSS • 3
    • SCSS / LESS
  • Tools & Libraries
    • Vite
    • Webpack
    • Vitest
    • Jest
    • ESLint
    • Prettier
    • GSAP
    • Motion One
    • Lenis
    • Ant Design
    • Immer
    • VeeValidate
    • Yup
    • Zod


Every personhas a story

More than just frontend

And my story, full of learning and wondering, expands my expertise far beyond frontend development.

Academic years were a great time for exploration.

On a fundamental level, I learned and practiced computer science a lot, spicing it up with math and physics. It involved coding drivers for the Linux kernel, programming in Assembly and Lisp, implementing algorithms of various complexity using plain C, implementing CG algorithms with C++ and Qt. During this period, I developed my first full-stack project from scratch — a small ERP system written with .NET MVC and jQuery.

Then my career began with full-stack development.

With C#, .NET, and Entity Framework on the backend, and Vue and React on the frontend, I became proficient in delivering web applications across the banking, telecom, and real estate sectors. My experience includes designing applications from scratch as well as adding major features to an enterprise-level codebase.

But the path I chose is frontend.

As technology development grew in speed and volume, it became extremely time-consuming to stay proficient in both frontend and backend. So, I dedicated myself to frontend only, specializing in Vue and React, as well as their successors — Nuxt.js and Next.js. They are all constantly being improved, and my expertise is keeping that pace.

As a result.

I've chosen my career path and, in addition to that, improving my knowledge in business, design, and economy. All of these experiences have brought me to the point where I can:

  • Master any technology
  • Start building products on my own



Project cards

  • project
    Apparel Untitled
    • Next.js • 14
    • TypeScript • 5
    • SCSS
    • Pre-release


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